Thursday, March 11, 2010

Trapped by the Ice!

1. ORGANIZING What did Shackleton succeed in doing? What did he fail in doing? Use details from the story.

2. GENERATING When Shackleton went to find help, how do you think the crew members he left behind felt?

3. INTEGRATING Name some qualities a person would need to survivie a voyage like Shackleton's.

4. EVALUATING What do you think would have been the most difficult part of Shackleton's Antarctic voyage?

5. EVALUATING Would you have gone back with Shackleton to rescue the men on Elephant Island? Explain.

6. CONNECTIONS How is Shackleton's sea voyage like the "Mayflower" voyage? How is it different?

Friday, March 5, 2010

Yunmi and Halmoni's Trip

1 KNOWLEDGE In what ways does Yunmi change because of her visit to Korea? Use details from the sotry.

2. GENERATING How does Yunmi feel about her relatives in Korea by the end of the story? Explain your answer.

3. GENERATING Why is celebrating Grandfather's birthday is so important to Yunmi and Halmoni's family?

4. INTEGRATING How do you think Yunmi's cousins would feel about visiting Yunmi in the United States?

5. EVALUATING If someone came to visit you form far away, how would you make them feel welcome?

6. CONNECTIONS BOth Yunmi and the boy in "Across the Wide Dark Sea" take long voyages. Compare their experiences.